Architectural Products
Noise Control Products
Improve acoustic quality in buildings, gymnasiums, auditorium , concert halls, theatres, correctional facilities, places of worship, restaurants, conference rooms, medical facilities and retail businesses.
Painted Perforated metal panels for walls & ceilings
Fabric covered acoustic panels for walls
Catenary banners and diffusers
Melamine Foam Panels
Floor underlayments for wood, tile floors
Decorative wood panels for sound absorption
Energy Absorption Vibration Isolation Products
Protect buildings, bridges, power plants and other infrastructures from harmful affects of vibration and seismic shock.
Energy and motion control products
Hydraulic driven absorption devices
Actuators and motion control
Seismic dampers
Foam underlayment
Thermal Management Products
Two groups of insulative materials designed to reduce or redirect excessive heat or cold, insulate against sudden temperature fluctuations, or to provide personnel or equipment protection for environmental factors.
Energy Conservation
Personnel and Equipment Protection
Mechanical Components
A broad group of mechanical products including building graphics, signage, lightweight structural panels, floor matting to enhance the structure, function and safety of buildings, mass transit systems and factories.